Wednesday 17 May 2017

Motion Capture

During my time in third year at Uni I've had a lot of experience with motion capture and I've found myself using different softwares like IPI motion capture and OptiTrack. The two different motion capture softwares have been very interesting for me to use but one of the softwares definitely stands out the most and that's the OptiTrack system. This is because it is so much more user friendly and technically it is better than the IPI software because it can track a persons performance clearer and faster than the IPI software can. But the down fall the OptiTrack system is that it cost so much to use and for me it is very hard to get my hands on a version of it.

The only reason I didn't use the OptiTrack system for my extended practice module was because it was booked out when I wanted to use it and by the time I could book it out it would of been too late for me to use it.

However, this has made me determined into experimenting with more motion capture and different ways in which you can use motion capture in animation. I also wanted to recreate my final animation because I feel like I can capture the performance so much better then I originally did. Hopefully I'll be able to as my tutor mat if I can have another go with the OptiTrack system so that I can experiment with it's abilities and expand mine.

As well as motion capture I also want to delve into facial capture to improve on my character animation abilities and I'd like to look into capturing multiple performances. My ideal thing to experiment with would be the Medusa Performance Capture that captures facial movement, but this software is used in industry and was used in films like Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Doctor Strange, The Jungle Book and Maleficent. the video below shows how the vfx and motion captures were create for the character Maz Kanata from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

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