Monday 15 May 2017

Interview with RJDM Studios

At first I didn't realise that I was applying for this job as Junior CG Artist because the advert for this job didn't include the name of the studio, plus this studio uses a recruitment agency so when I got the call from them I didn't know what studio it was for because they didn't say.

However, I went for my interview down in Northampton at RJDM studios and it was again an amazing studio. It has life size figurines of superheros and a pac man machine in the middle of the studio. The atmosphere in the rooms were every chill there was no stress, and they had nerf gun fights! This was the dream studio to work for and I had an interview with them.

The interview went great, the Production Director John Lashley was interviewing me and he was such a chill guy so it made the interview even better. He went through my showreels and my work and told me that my particle effects were amazing and that I had talent, I tried my best not to make ant mistakes and not to answer any questions wrong but I felt like I did because once again I didn't get the job.

I got feedback from John saying that my work was great and that if I keep working on my particle simulations that he would love to have another chat with me in about six to twelve months. The main reason I didn't get the job was because he said that he need people that are fast and that has good turn rounds. This was because during my interview he kept asking me how long it took me to create the effects I made and I was saying weeks and months, which I assume he didn't like the sound of. I only said that the effects took me this long was because I wasn't putting my full attention onto them because of my university work, however I forgot to mention that to John in the interview. So hopefully in another couple of months or so I will contact John again with stronger work and better turn arounds and see if that would be enough to get another shot at a job offer.

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