To actually start up an animation studio you have to think about the cost and how much its going to be for the equipment, softwares, location, insurance, and not forgetting the salary for the people who are working for you. So Katy and I researched into how much it would cost us to get five Mac computers and two cintiques as a starting point and we found out that it would cost us about £6,850 for the lot. We then looked in to the different softwares different animation studios used, for example Maya, Adobe suite, cinema 4D, toon boom, TVPaint, and so on. We decided to go for the Adobe Suite because in there it has Photoshop, After Effects, Premier, Animate CC which are all useful for animating with and we already have experience in. For the 3D software we went for Maya and Blender because I am well skilled in Maya and Blender is free to use. The overall cost of all these softwares is £2,776.80 per year. The cost of the location is about £1,800 per year as well.
We then tried to find a company that could insure are studio and would include things like public and employer liability, building damage, business equipment, goods in transit and loss of revenue. Luckely we found a company called 'Finsbury Insurance Group' that gave us a quote of £2,538.16which covers the whole lot.
We then came up with a salary for the team and because Katy, gavin and I are the main people we thought that we should get more money than the rest of are team. We also thought that the supervisors should get payed less than up but more than the main animators in are team. So then the main animators would get payed normal minimum pay. This came to Katy, Gavin and I getting £7.40 PH, the two supervisors getting £6.80 PH and the rest of the team getting £6.20 PH (PH= Per Hour).
Over all to keep this studio running a year the cost of are equipment, software, insurance and location would be about £13,964.94. The cost of everyones salary a year would be about £36,720, So put them two together and the whole cost of running a studio a year for us would be about £50,684.96.